Thursday, June 21, 2018

the taste like buttery corn in my mouth it is like very sea salty taste in my mouth.

Popcorn looks like a scrunched up deletable explosion with a crunchy corn colonel.

Popcorn smells like a buttered up corn with soggy butter juice on it.

Popcorn feels like a soft deletable clouds of little very scrumpuse corn popped in the microwave.

It sound like a whole piece of corn explosion turn into popcorn in the microwave.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Matariki acrostic poem

M-aori New year
A-time to gather seafood
T-ime to gather your family and tell stories
A-time to grow crops for the future
R-anuge and papa separated                     
I-t is time to forget problems from the past
K-indly help people
I-t is time to help your elders

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

popular video games of room 3.

 We did a statistical investigation I think roblox will have the most votes and rocket league and Fifa will have the least votes


roblox,fifa,minecraft,big bang,rocket league and hungry shark evolution

In conclusion I found out that roblox has the most votes and was the most popular.